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Veterans Day 2022

Honoring all who served

The University of Oregon has a long history of students and alumni who answer the call to military service. This Veterans Day, we highlight alumni from across military branches who have taken the oath of service.

Last year, the UO Alumni Association launched the UO Veteran Alumni Network (UOVAN), an affinity group that serves to foster a strengthened sense of community amongst veteran and disabled veteran alumni and the university.

All alumni who have served in the military are encouraged to get involved. The group strives to empower and provide support for current UO veteran and disabled veteran students through mentorship and scholarships, celebrate the accomplishments of alumni veterans, and support efforts to recruit and retain a diverse and inclusive group of veteran faculty, staff, and students.

As the group grows in size, both in-person and virtual events are planned for alumni to interact and find common bonds and support.

The UOVAN is fostering a strengthened sense of community amongst veteran and disabled veteran UO alumni and the University of Oregon.

UO Veteran Alumni Network

We have created an online community where you can meet up with old friends, build new relationships, and network among fellow veteran alumni and professionals.

UO Veteran Online Community

Aaron Larsen

“When I was a student, I thought to myself if I was the president of the University of Oregon, what message would I want to send to veterans future, past, and present? I had spent time researching the university’s support organizations for veterans. I tried to identify ways the university could expand its services for this population, so I created a plan with eight distinct goals. I started with the alumni chapter, and the plan moves step-by-step to an ambitious vision of the University of Oregon serving as a ‘beacon of light’ for the state’s veteran community.”

– Aaron Larsen, MBA ’19 and President of the Veterans Alumni Network on his involvement with the group

Veteran Alumni Voices

Over the centuries, students and alumni have answered the call to join the military. Their reasons are varied: to serve and protect our country, to learn a new skill or trade, to find purpose, to travel, to pay for college, or to fulfill a family legacy, among others. Hear from six alumni on how the military shaped their perspectives on life – and even their current careers.


Decide to Lead: Army ROTC at the UO

Since 1916, the University of Oregon’s ROTC program has been developing leaders and future Army Officers. Once a compulsory program for all male freshmen and sophomores, the program has been voluntary since 1962, offering the opportunity to develop skills in leadership and ethical decision making. ROTC serves as a powerful complement to a college education for senior cadets, who are commissioned as Officers in the Army upon graduation. A total of 47 General Officers are University of Oregon graduates. By deciding to lead, these officers gained valuable leadership confidence throughout their careers.

Learn more

A Family Committed to Service

Malone Family

T.D., BA ’01 (public relations) and Chevelle, BS ’01 (environmental studies) Malone met during their time as undergraduate students and ROTC cadets at the UO. After graduation, they spent 20 years in the Army together, traveling extensively and welcoming three children into their family. Last year, the Malones retired together in a joint retirement ceremony and moved back to Oregon.

Discover more about their journey

From the archives: a look at alumni who served in the armed forces

Explore articles from the 1940s and 1950s included in Old Oregon, the UO Alumni Association's past publication. These writings shed light on several major world conflicts and how they impacted the UO's alumni, students, and faculty.


UO veterans are invited to share their stories

This year, as part of our UOAA Veterans’ Celebration, we invite Ducks and their families to share stories about their time serving in the military. We welcome submissions of personal stories and extend this opportunity to soldiers still on active duty today. As we honor Veterans Day, we hope to learn more about members of the Duck veteran community who call the UO home.

Share your Story

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