New Grad Update Form

New Grad Update Form
Your Information

Please update your email address to include a non email:

Home Mailing Address after graduation

Please select an option below. Ethnicity information helps the university records keep accurate and up-to-date information.

Your Interests
The UO Alumni Association has alumni chapters and groups all over the US, as well as international groups and affinity networks. Select any of the regions or groups below that match your interests.

Use Ctrl or Shift keys to multi-select.

Use Ctrl or Shift keys to multi-select.

Use Ctrl or Shift keys to multi-select.
I am interested in the following types of events:
I am interested in the following types of events:

Would you be interested in learning more about volunteering with event planning? Required Field
Would you be interested in learning more about volunteering with event planning?
Grad Form Update

New Grad Gifts

Just for our new grads! For your convenience, you can RSVP today to pick up your alumni swag at New Grad Gift Pickup on Thursday, June 6, or Friday, June 7, at the Ford Alumni Center ballroom. For Portland grads: A Portland pick up activity will take place on Wednesday, May 29, 12:00 to 3:00 p.m., at the White Stag Building, first floor.

More information about gifts, activities, and special appearances will be emailed in advance of the event. See you there!
Select one of the following options:
Select one of the following options:

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